How We Help

How We Make
The Difference!

At Ken David Orphanage and Widows Empowerment Center, we believe in the power of compassion and community to uplift those facing adversity and provide them with the tools they need to thrive.
Education Empowerment: Our center serves as a sanctuary for orphaned children, offering them more than just a roof over their heads. Through our comprehensive education programs, we equip these children with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to build a brighter future. From fully funded education to vocational training, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty.
Economic Empowerment: For widows in our community, we offer a pathway to economic independence and self-sufficiency. Through vocational and skills training such as sewing and music, we equip these women with the skills and resources they need to generate sustainable income for themselves and their families. By empowering them to become financially stable, we enable them to break free from the cycle of dependency and chart their own path to success.
Community Impact: The impact of our work extends far beyond the walls of our center. By investing in the well-being and education of orphaned children and widows, we are nurturing future leaders, change-makers, and role models who will positively influence their communities for generations to come. Through our holistic approach to empowerment, we are not just providing aid, but fostering hope, dignity, and resilience in those who need it most.

What we do?

Delivering Solutions
For Children In Need!

we are deeply committed to making a difference in the lives of children facing adversity. Through our comprehensive approach and innovative solutions,
we are dedicated to providing essential support and resources to children in need, empowering them to overcome challenges and thrive.

Giving Back

We give back to our society by helping children in need in the community

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We help make fundraising for the children to embark on causes that better their lives

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Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms The name stems from


By becoming volunteers we endevour to making society and the children better

Ken David Orhpanage Logo

We are Here To Empower Children and Widows!


  • 2 Onovo Street, Topland Market, Ebony Paint Road, Gariki, Enugu, Enugu State.
  • +234 9164684671
  • +234 8136412421
  • Mon - Sat: 9:00am to 4:00pm Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm

    Widows Empowerment
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